I – The customer is our reason for being here.
II – It takes months to find a customer, seconds to lose one.
III – Always be courteous and polite during each customer contact.
IV – Always do more than is expected when you handle a customer’s problem.
V – Never promise more than we can deliver.
+1 (248) 648-3099 - Oakland
+1 (734) 398-6693 - Wayne
+1-586-435-7070 - Macomb
TOLL FREE: 1-877-382-1159
perfectionmover@yahoo.com residential movers professional local movers professional movers
We are a full-service moving company located in Farmington Hills, Michigan, providing local and long distance services to customers. We aim to provide our clients with quality customer care and personalized service by offering fair prices, prompt service and a team of trained professional movers. Our goal is to tailor each experience independently to specifically fit all your moving need.
PERFECTION MOVING CO. LOW LOW RATES LLC, IS A full-service moving company offering customers a comprehensive package of home and business relocation services, packing and unpacking options
MAIN OFFICE FARMINGTON: +1 (248) 648-3099 - Oakland
+1 (734) 398-6693 - Wayne
+1 (586) 435-7070 - Macomb
TOLL FREE: 1-877-382-1159
Email Direct: perfectionmover@yahoo.com
Serving Farmington Hills | Canton | Livonia
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